Monday, June 28, 2010

Weigh In for Week Three


6/21/10- 232.4 lbs.
6/28/10- 230.6 lbs.
-1.8 lbs.

Not bad (:

Lots of love,

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Doing Great!

     I have to say it was hard, but I am finally back in the swing of things. It takes a few days for me to get rolling again. Yesterday I did 45 minutes on the treadmill and maintained a 3.5 speed for most of the time. Today is going to be a day of rest. It isn't like I am sore and want to rest my muscles. I just have exercised for the last 6 days, and I want a break before next week starts.

     This week had its ups and downs. I believe it was Wednesday when I had a pretty low point just because of some family issues that (thankfully!) were solved and talked about that night. Still the things I ate that day hurt me. I'm just glad that I was able to say to myself that I made a mistake, and all I have to do is pick myself up, brush myself off, and keep on going. That is one of the hardest things I have had to learn on this journey. It probably is the same for others out there who are looking to lose some weight. Keep moving. Keep going. You can't beat yourself up! Sometimes the desire to do something comes after the action. So, if you are feeling beat down because of a mistake you made and don't have the motivation to keep going, sometimes you just have to do it. Take action. Get up and keep doing what you were doing, and the desire to lose the weight will come back. It really will.

     For those who messed up and are feeling desperate on this journey (and sometimes I get to the point where I need to be told this too) it will get easier! I promise. You will find a routine, and making healthy choices will become habit. Just keep going and in a few days you will find your groove. (:

     Anyhow, I found my camera! I don't really know when I am going to take progress pictures. I will have to look and see if I have pictures from my heaviest weight of 250 lbs. Hmm... I doubt it (I hid from cameras lol). I will take progress picture when I am 230 lbs. Sound good? Then from there I will take them every ten pounds lost.

     I decided to take some pictures of what I ate for lunch because breakfast wasn't that interesting (Special K cereal and skim milk). So, for lunch I had grilled chicken with a zucchini and yellow squash hash. It was SO yummy, and the hash was just delicious! All I did was grate half of a zucchini and one small yellow squash then cook it in a frying pan with a little bit of vegetable oil. I seasoned it with salt and pepper. Then I sprinkled on some parmesan cheese.

     This is what I used to season the chicken. I love this little thing. It says Dean Jacobs Gourmet Seasonings and it comes with char grilling broil spices and herbs, country herbs and spices, garlic pepper and herbs, and lemon pepper and herbs. I use this all the time (even though most of it is for red meats) to grill chicken. Its an easy way to flavor food without all the calories.

     Weigh in tomorrow! I'm hoping for the best! I'll post my results tomorrow morning.

I hope you had a fabulous weekend, and if you messed up and went off track, just remember that tomorrow starts a new week that is yours for the taking! :D

Lots of love,

Friday, June 25, 2010

What I'm Doing

What am I doing to lose the weight?


1) Drinking water. This is a big one. It was a year before my mother had lap band surgery that I stopped drinking sugary soft drinks. I switched to diet cokes, and I just got used to it. I quit diet soda on January 1st of this year. It was hard at first. I would have a coke occasionally (maybe once every other week), but I got to the point where I stopped wanting them. I just would drink water. I got used to it. There is TONS of sugar in regular pop. I didn't like the thought that I was drinking all of my calories away. Diet pop contains aspartame which is probably just as bad as regular pop. Aspartame turns into formaldehyde and actually preserves fat cells. Not good. So I stick with water and the occasional green tea.

2) Calorie counting. I aim to be around 1,500 calories each day. I plan out what I am going to eat, and if I haven't planned out my meals for the day I make sure to journal everything. I use thedailyplate as a tool to track what I am eating.

3) Fruits and veggies. Lots of them! I eat fruit for a snack between lunch and dinner. Fruit is like a miracle food. Because it is made primarily of water, it passes right through you when eaten on an empty stomach. Be careful when eating fruit with any sort of grains because it won't pass through your stomach as easily and might cause digestion problems and bloating. That's just what I have come to learn about eating fruit. That means it is great to eat for breakfast. Veggies. I try to eat a good amount of vegetables each day. I get the majority of my vegetables at dinner. I go and buy some from my Kroger's produce section (no farmer's market near us) and will look up new ways to prepare them.

4) Exercising. I have come to love exercise. I experiment with new cardio routines and try different classes at the gym. My favorite cardio workout? Spin! I love my spin classes. I go on Mondays for 45 minutes, Wednesdays for 60 minutes, and any other opportunity I get. I just love it. I also take weight classes twice a week. At home I do the treadmill while watching TV or do a few ToneItUp workouts.
I love their abs workout (zero equipment and works the entire abdominal wall). Sometimes I will take a walk. I've tried yoga, zumba, and pilates too. I do 5-6 cardio workouts a week and around 3 strength training classes/videos a week.

5) Looking for inspiration. I read blogs, articles, and magazines on the weight loss topic and watch videos ALL the time. It keeps me going.

That is it for now.
Lots of love,

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Feeling Lost

     As I am sitting here writing this I feel a bit lost. I don't feel focused. All of that "routine" stuff I blogged about only a day ago seems so long ago. I did terrible today. I have been snacking like there is no tomorrow! I have been eating crap all day! Now I feel just lost. I don't know how else to put it.

     If there has been something I have learned from all of the Biggest Loser episodes, all of the weight loss blogs, all of the articles, and all of the weight loss videos I have watched it is that it is here and now that decides who you will be. I can either fall into the same pattern I have been in for just about all of my life, or I could pick up where I left off. I'm going to go with the second option. (:

     So where to I go from here? Well, I have written out what I will be eating tomorrow and the exercises I will be doing. I plan to do something (take a walk or do some treadmill) in the morning to get in the right mindset. All I need is one successful day, and I will do fine.

Ah! Wish me luck. I only want ONE "first day".
Lots of love,

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

When Weight Loss Becomes Habit

     I'm going out to see Toy Story soon. It should be fun, but this time the whole movie experience is going to be different. Going to the movies has always been a big thing for my family. When my family would visit and we were out of the house we would drive by and see what movies were playing. We would decide on what we wanted to watch and go see it. Of course there was popcorn. Tons of buttery delicious popcorn! Then each of the grand kids would get a candy. My grandmother loved to spoil us. And then on top of all of that we got quite a few of the large refillable cokes.

     Things aren't going to be that way this time. I just had one of the Yoplait Whips for a snack, and I plan to bring a serving of mini pretzels to snack on. I've realized that you really have to plan and set yourself up for success when you are trying to lose weight. I write out what I am going to eat for the next day the night beforehand. I make sure that I make it to the gym most days, and on the days when I don't make it I do some treadmill while watching some Losing It With Jillian.

     All of this planning has finally become routine again. Finally! I had so many "first days" before I got back on the weight loss thing. It only took one successful first day to keep me going. Now it is the beginning of the third week, and it all feels normal. I have moments were I feel like  screwing the whole thing because I mess up, but then I remember how great it feels to step on the scale and see the number drop. It feels great! It feels so goood and lasts soo much longer than the feeling of eating does. Sure... pizza and pasta and junk food taste great. But not as great as the feeling you get from seeing a loss on the scale. That feeling last. The feeling of eating something delicious doesn't. In fact, it turns into self loathing.

So, I have gotten into the habit of eating healthy. I'm feeling great. :D
Lots of love,

Monday, June 21, 2010

Weigh In for Week Two

Yah! (:

6/14/10- 237.6 lbs.
6/21/10- 232.4 lbs.
-5.2 lbs.
I'll take that!

Hehe :D
Lots of love,

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Why Lose Weight?

  • I want to be able to wear a bikini and feel good in it.
  • I want to go on the school's Europe trip and be okay with having my picture taken.
  • I want to be a healthy adult.
  • I don't want to have to worry about the weight when I am older.
  • I want to be able to wear a tank top and shorts!
  • I want to be able to do the mile under 15 minutes. Something I have never done.
  • I want to run a 5k.
  • I want to complete a marathon before I die.
  • I want a boyfriend.
  • I don't want diabetes.
  • I want to feel and look beautiful.


     I had an off day yesterday, and I didn't do anything terrible, but my mind just wasn't focused entirely on weight loss. That is okay. Sometimes life has to take the lead instead of weight loss. Most of the time my first priority is weight loss. I have to be completely focused on it at all times, and if I am not then I feel like I am slacking. I find it funny that I think that way sometimes. I mean, I am doing the weight loss thing so I will have more life and so I will be able to live life to the fullest. Well, sometimes living life and everyday activities are a priority, but weight loss seems to be on the top most of the time. Some people would say that this isn't healthy. I disagree.

     Sometimes life really does get to take first place on my list of things to do. That is okay. Sometimes life takes up everything. Too much stress, too many things to do, too much life! Weight loss gets put on the back burner. I'm no longer driving the car. I am sitting in the back seat asking if we are there yet. I don't know where we are going. I just trust that the driver is taking me in the right direction. When I am on autopilot I am not focused. When weight loss isn't my first priority... I stray. I lose my way. It happens almost ALL the time. It happens unless I catch it before I go spiraling out of control.

     I can't be on autopilot. It isn't healthy. Deciding to let other things take their place before weight loss can be risky. I don't trust autopilot. I won't. So, I have to make weight loss my first priority. I have to make ME my first priority.

I'm listening to A-Ha's Take On Me
Great song...
Here (:

Lots of love,

Friday, June 18, 2010

110% on Plan (:

     This week has been good. I went to cycle on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I also took weight classes all three of those days. This wasn't so bright because I was pretty sore Thursday. Usually I only take weight classes on Monday and Wednesday and leave a day of rest, but that just didn't happen. Thursday I did 30 minutes on the treadmill. I did intervals of jogging and walking. I also played some DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). It really does burn calories I must say! It is now Friday, and I have been busy preparing for the garage sale we are having tomorrow. I'm resting today. The only exercise I have really done is lifting boxes and sale items and carrying stuff up and down stairs. It isn't really intense, but when you are doing it for 3-4 hours out of the day it burns calories. Tomorrow is the garage sale, and I am going to miss my early morning cycle class. I plan to do the treadmill that day. Sunday I will probably be out swimming.

     How am I doing with my meals? Well, everything has been on plan. And I have been snacking less! Probably because there isn't many tasty snacks in the house. I am feeling good about my next weigh-in.

Lots of love,

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Snacking and an Update

     I've noticed that I have a terrible problem with snacking. So, my plan this week is to really watch what I am snacking on and keep my snacks reasonable. I don't even snack because I am hungry but because I am bored. It is summer break, and doing the same things over and over get to be a bit boring. The only things I am expected to do during the summer is to read one of the books on my school's summer reading list and help make things a little easier on my mom. That means cleaning, washing dishes, and helping when she goes grocery shopping. I'm not really being held accountable for anything. I get my exercise in and everything else that needs to get done, but then I have about 3 or 4 hours of nothing to do. I end up snacking. That is what I am going to work on this week. I'm going to limit my snacking.

     I have an abs/arms fusion class and also a cycle class that I am looking forward too. I have to take it easy in that strength training class because tomorrow I have another strength training class that my mother and sister want to go to. I usually keep those classes to every other day or so, but that is just how things are going to have to work out. I'll just have to make sure I don't over do it in either class.

That is really all
Lots of love,

Monday, June 14, 2010

Weigh In for Week One

      It is weigh in day, and I have good news! :D

6/07/10- 242 lbs.
6/14/10- 237.6 lbs.
-4.4 lbs.
Week one is complete and a success. Yah!

Im doing great (:
Lots of love,

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Update and a Question

     Weigh in tomorrow! I still can't wait. I'm feeling good even though Saturday night's dinner didn't go completely as planned. We went to Logan's, and I ended up getting the sirloin with seasonal veggies and the vegetable skewer as my sides, but I also ended up having some of the bread. It is all okay though because I checked my weight this morning and saw that it wasn't that bad of a number. Just in case anyone is reading and doesn't feel like reading through previous blogs, this last Monday I weighed 242 lbs. I am planning on a loss. (:

     I've always wondered how often other people weigh themselves. I tend to weigh myself a lot more than I should. I've read that sometimes weighing too often can discourage you because your weight fluctuates throughout the day. I weigh once every single day. It doesn't seem to bother me when my weight is a bit higher than or is the same as the previous morning. I understand that with the way our bodies work the number is going to change and doesn't always show our efforts. I weigh often to keep me on track, and it helps me. So, how often do you weigh? Just let me know what you think with a comment if you are reading.

     Anywhoozle, I will update you tomorrow.

Lots of love,

Friday, June 11, 2010

Brownies and Thoughts

     The lasagna was delicious, and I ate exactly what I should have eaten for dinner, but not too long ago my family decided to make brownies. I helped in making them and hadn't planned on eating any, but just looking at them made my mouth water! So warm and gooey and delicious! So what did I do? I had one. The old me would be devastated. The old me probably would have had another brownie. Maybe a third one. But I sat back and thought about this. One brownie? So I messed up once and didn't eat perfectly. That is... okay. Then right after sitting and thinking about this I decided that I am going right back on track. Why make it a whole fiasco of bad eating when I can say that it was one brownie? So I am still on track. Making brownies wasn't planned. Eating a brownie wasn't planned, but I can work with this. :D

Why was this always so hard before?

Lots of love,

Nothing Exciting but Still Focused

     All of today I have been on track. I have to say I am pleased with almost everything. I say almost because my arms and outer thighs are SO sore. This is what happens when I take a Just Weights class at the YMCA when I haven't been in awhile. I need to try and fit in some cardio today, but these sore muscles are going to hinder me. I'm thinking of just an easy walk on the treadmill while watching TV. Nothing too intense because I am planning on heading to the gym tomorrow morning for a cycle class, and I need to be ready for that.

     My mom, my sister, and I made lasagna, and I entered the ingredients into thedailyplate, and surprisingly it isn't all that bad! (: We are going to put it into the oven in a bit, and now I won't be completely jealous and mad when the house is filled with delicious smells because I can eat this. I'm also planning on steaming some zucchini to have with it.

     Today has been good and I am glad I have passed those first few days. Those days have always been the hardest for me. Once I make healthy eating a habit it isn't all that hard. So things are running smoothly I must say, and it makes me happy.

     Tomorrow is Saturday. Saturday means going out to dinner. It has always been one of things where the family goes out to a favorite restaurant and eats. The whole time is centered around food. Usually my parents talk about what they plan to order in the car as we drive to the restaurant. Then we usually order some sort of appetizer. And if we don't it is usually because there is tons of bread to eat while we wait for our meals. Then there are salads just drenched in dressing. I'm just adding up the calories in my head, and it scares me. It is a lot and I haven't even got to the main course! You see where I am going?

     It is going to be a challenge. I could either choose to completely pig out and start my diet tomorrow (but it rarely happens that way... usually it is a whole week of complete self loathing and binging before I get back on track). OR I could learn to control what I eat and make healthy decisions. I know my family isn't going to make this easy. They will choose to eat the same way. Nothing will change, and I know this because I have done this many times. Eating out and choosing to eat healthy isn't hard, but it is that quick second of deciding to eat that buttered croissant that my sister offered that seems to determine how the rest of the meal (and the next week or so) will go. I need to get out of that all-or-nothing mind set. It is going to destroy me.

     Speaking about my family and their eating habits. I know I can't change how they eat, but it is bothersome at times that they continue to gain weight without a care. I mean I am sure they care, but I can't force them to start the journey. It's a decision they have to make on their own. I have more to say on this matter, but I will save it for a later date.

     That seems to be all that is on my mind. There isn't any new exciting news. I'm still focused. Still ready for whatever comes my way. And that includes going out Saturday night. (:

Lots of love,


Thursday, June 10, 2010

A New Start

     I suppose I am starting my little story in the middle of my journey. I started back in January of this year. So far I have lost 8 lbs. It once was more, but I have to admit that all last month I was slacking. Usually, this is the point where I would give an excuse in hopes that it would in some way justify my efforts last month, but I am not going to. There isn't really an excuse. I messed up, and now it is time to get back on track. Like I said, I am now 8 lbs. down and sitting at 242 lbs. The goal is 150. It's a lot, but I am taking this 10 lbs. at a time. Anyhow, my weigh-ins are going to be on Mondays, and this week I am actually looking forward to my weigh-ins compared to last week when I manage to skip two of them.

     For anyone who has tried to lose weight you know how hard this stuff is. Not physically hard. The exercise doesn't hurt all that much. The feeling of not being completely stuffed after every single meal doesn't hurt. What is it then that makes weight loss hard? It seems to be all in our heads. All mental. There really hasn't been a week that has gone by since the beginning of my journey that I haven't had some sort of battle with myself when I feel like just giving up. It is all in my head. There is a voice that tells me I can always start over tomorrow. It tells me to go ahead and have that brownie or extra helping of spaghetti because I deserve it. So I do. Then afterwards I feel terrible! You would think that that little voice would go away and just let me be after tricking me into that brownie, but no, it doesn't go away. It tells me that I have already messed up. It tells me I am a failure and that I am no good. Why can't I stick to a diet? Why can't I just lose this weight? Then it tells me to go ahead and eat more. I already messed up by eating that brownie. Looks like I have to start over tomorrow. Then the rest of that day turns into a huge binge fest! Two brownies down. Three. Four. Leftover pizza? Sure why not. Ice cream? Go ahead. Doritos? Sure. But wait! I have to dump a bunch of cheese on those Doritos and pop it in the microwave. Who cares? I don't. That little head in my voice said I don't. So I don't.

But I do. I do care.

     Living like that caused me to hit 250 lbs. I hit 250 lbs. on December 30, 2009, and I was only 14. I was gaining about .5 of a pound every week. Who knows just where I would be in five years if I didn't stop. I'm thankful that I caught it before it really caught up to me. My plan is to get down to about 150 lbs. I have educated myself on how to lose weight the healthy way, and I am so glad to have that knowledge. As far as when I am going to reach my goal I don't know. I am hoping to be somewhere around my goal next summer. To reach my goal within that amount of time would mean I would have to lose about 1.7 lbs. a week. It isn't an unhealthy number, but I am fine with any loss.

So where is my mind now? Well, it is set on my goals. I am focused. I need to be. I want to be.

I am so ready! :D
Lots of love,