Monday, August 30, 2010

Weigh In for Week Twelve

8/23/10- 206.6 lbs.
8/30/10- 206.6 lbs.
-0 lbs.

     This last week was so stressful! I had so much going on and my eating was really bad over the weekend. I started back today though. I'll have a good number next week.

Lots of love,

Monday, August 23, 2010

Weigh In for Week Eleven

8/16/10- 209.6 lbs.
8/23/10- 206.6 lbs.
-3.0 lbs

Lots of love,

Monday, August 16, 2010

Weigh In for Week Ten

8/09/10- 214.4 lbs.
8/16/10- 209.6 lbs.

I know you guys don't get much from me now, but I swear I am working my butt off and giving this weight loss thing all I have. I am going to try and post a little more often if I can.

Lots of love,

Monday, August 9, 2010

Weigh In for Week Nine

8/02/10- 216.2 lbs.
8/09/10- 214.4 lbs.

Okay. Yesterday did not work out well. I didn't have anything to make a salad or even a protein shake. I could have found something, but I ended up have pizza with the family. So the number will go back down to my 213 soon enough. I'm happy with a 1.8 anyways (: But I want this week to be better.

Lots of love,

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Size 16 Jeans

     I am at the point where Onderland definitely seems possible. Tomorrow I should have a good number. I will have a good number (: I realized that most of the time I talk in ways that make it okay for me to mess up because I didn't promise anything. I need to stop that and trust myself. I know I can do this. It is possible.

     I went clothes shopping Friday. We were in Old Navy and I was looking for some jeans. All of my jeans are way too big now. I went to the shelves where all the jeans were and pulled a few 18's and even a 20. I went into the dressing room and tried on an 18. They were huge on me! At first I thought that it was the 20 I was wearing. Nope. It was the 18.

     I put them all back and pulled a 16. I went back into the dressing room. I remember standing there holding up the jeans and thinking there is no way. I was worried they wouldn't even get up over my hips. I decided to try them on expecting them not to fit. So, I pulled them up and... they buttoned easily. I could have stood there and cried. I didn't. I just smiled.

     I am looking forward to school tomorrow. I also weigh in tomorrow. Everyone at school hasn't seen me in awhile. I was 242 lbs. the last time they saw me. I'll just tell you that I am at 213 lbs. as of this morning. That is 29 lbs. Will they notice? I know some people will because I had people tell me in band that I have lost weight and look good when I was at 216 lbs.

I am so happy now (:

Oh! and I saw a guy I knew a few years ago from a school I once attended. When I talked to him he was a pretty big boy. I saw him at Shoe Carnival yesterday and he looked amazing! Looked like he dropped 100 lbs. I was shocked. It gave me a lot of inspiration.

I have to go for now.
Lots of love,

Monday, August 2, 2010

Weigh In for Week Eight

7/26/10- 220.2 lbs.
8/02/10- 216.2 lbs.
-4 lbs.

It got down to 215, but I let myself eat what I want on the weekend, and I loved every moment of it! You got to let yourself have a little something every now and then. (:

Lots of love,