Friday, July 16, 2010

Working Hard

     I've have been working really hard this week. And I really am not expecting a loss this week. Water retention has been working against me. PMS really sucks. But that is fine because that means a bigger number next week. Right? (: Anyhow, band camp is next week. AGHH!! Do you realize that it feels like a million degrees outside? I hope I don't die of heat exhaustion... or sunburn for that matter :P

     So, I was 100% on plan today. I had a protein shake for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, fruit for a snack, and a salad for dinner. I would like to say I ate perfectly today. Actually, I am going to say it. I ate perfectly today. Uhmm... I went to a weight class today, and I could tell that the walking from Holiday World really worked my legs because they felt like complete mush after the class. I also went out for a jog later. It wasn't that successful though because it started to rain, and I had to head back to the house. So, I got in 15 minutes of about 50% running and 50% walking at a brisk pace. Ah well.

     Trying to get in tons of fluids and hoping I drop that water weight before Monday, but if I don't it will surely drop in the next week. I didn't notice it before but that is why I lost 4 lbs. the first week I started blogging and 5 lbs. the second week. I was carrying about two pounds of water when I weighed in after that first week. So, without that I would have lost 6 the first week and 3 the second. It seems to make more sense because it is very rare that you lose more your second week. I mean that has always been what I have known.

     About the before picture. It was taken, but I haven't really gotten the time to upload it. Actually, I could make time, but I just haven't thought much about it. I will try to get it up soon.

Well toodles! and...
Lots of love,

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